Sustainability & circularity strategy plus operations

What We Do

ESG Risk Score Report, Competitive Analysis, & Sustainability Report Forensic Analysis

Supply Chain Waste & Environmental Conditions - Including Carbon Emission Measurements

Review or Create Sustainable Policies and Procedures

Impact Management, Measurement, and Ex-post Evaluation

5R Program: End-to-End Sustainability + Circularity Program

Educational Webinars/Events & Course Creation

Green Health: Specific to Healthcare Industry Regulations

ISO 14001: Sustainability Certification(s) With Annual Audits

Our Packages: Bespoke Options

Package: Digitize End-To-End Supply Chain Management - Includes Waste & Carbon Emissions Measurements

Analysis of policies and procedures; implement; and evaluate social and environmental impact(s) against the global benchmark.

Sustainable-circular supply chain optimization that includes measuring carbon emissions and waste through AI real-time sensor data collection; predictive modeling; ERP; inventory management with real-time location services; recirculation system for single-use items; plastics; food; water; clothing, and/or pharmaceutical waste; sustainable material product and packaging; and reverse logistics, if necessary. ISO 9001 certified and FDA checked sustainable materials and packaging available for all industries.

Package: Sustainable Brand Management & Strategic Positioning

Prevent and manage greenwashing (claiming to be sustainable but do not yet qualify).

Package: Governmental Contracts

We work with and for governments globally.

Package: Green Health

We help the healthcare industry with ERP and supply chain management; reduce the carbon footprint; and, reduce food, water, pharmaceutical, plastics, and single-use item wastage; as well as other services listed on first package.